pitual ypno
the change
Every hypnosis-journey is highly individual and therefore has its very special amazing influence on your self-love, relationships, job and daily life. That being said, here are my personal gems:
reliving your joy of life
unshakable confidence
past life healing
emotional & physical relieve
enhanced self-trust
ancestral/lineage wound healing
clarity of your purpose and life-path
nourishing your relationships
solid trust in life-changing episodes/crisis
inner child healing
physical pain relief
increased creativity
sense of wholeness & connection
better sleep
forgiveness of self & others
clarity of mind
deep sense of inner knowing & wisdom
Your daily life and how you feel about yourself will change in every aspect. Bit by bit your perfect, amazing system will overwrite all those restricting subconscious believes that mute your true voice and dim your unique light will fade in silence. They will be replaced by the most loving cheer inside your head. You will become crystal clear about your purpose. And you will never ever again settle for less than support, inspiration and magical love in all of your relationships.
your subconscious mind
Your subconscious mind holds around 90 % of your believe system, your feelings and - as a natural consequnece - your daily habbits.
And it is fast.
Much faster than your other 10 %, which is your conscious thinking mind.
This is why you have to fail when you try to change your unwanted habbits or deeply integrated believes soley by working with your thinking mind.
It's not your fault.
It simply is the wrong tool.

You already know the state of hypnosis.
Everytime you softly slide from being awake to sleep you enter a state of deep trance. Which is the state of hypnosis.
Everytime you are "in tune" with where you are and what you are doing, everytime you feel like being "in the zone" or "in flow" while doing something you basically hypnotized yourself.
Hypnosis is a natural state of yours.
It is the time of day and night where your conscious, thinking mind takes the back seat and relaxes. While the doors to your subconscious mind become wide open.

group hypnosis
Right now you can experience those lifechanging journeys as special classes and during my retreats. Due to my capacity I don't offer spiritual hypnosis on a weekly basis at the moment. So if you feel an exciting tingeling sensation and curiosity you definitly should make time for the following specials:
chakra journey
Mi / 18-19 Uhr
11.09.24 - muladhara chakra / your right to be / stability, trust and physical health
18.09.24 - svadhisthana chakra / your right to feel / pleasure, fluidity and your ability to feel
25.09.24 - manipura chakra / your right to act / will-stength, self-esteem and vitality
02.10.24 - anahata chakra / your right to love and be loved / self-love, balance and nourishing relationships
06.11.24 - vishudda chakra / your right to speak and hear the truth / creativity and clear communication
13.11.24 - ajna chakra / your right to see / imagination, accurate interpretation and psychic vision
20.11.24 - sahasrara chakra / your right to know / wisdome, spiritual connection and consciousness
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